Under the NHS General Medical Services contract, all surgeries must provide essential medical services. As well as these services, West Heath Surgery also offers a number of extra NHS-qualifying services. You’ll find the full list of our NHS services below. We also offer a number of non-NHS services which can be found on our Non-NHS Services page

By offering the maximum possible number of services, we aim to give patients the best possible experience and outcomes.


Time: Thursday 13.30 to 15.30 appointment needed


Pregnancy care (but see one of the regular doctors first to book your pregnancy care).

Ante-natal and Post-natal

Appointments available at this practice.

Health Visitor

Advice on feeding, growth and care of babies and under 5s.

Practice Nurses                 

Our nurses offer appointments for the following:

  • asthma care
  • cervical smears
  • diabetes care
  • injections, immunisations and travel advice
  • health checks
  • smoking advice
  • blood pressure testing
  • routine oral contraception pill

You may speak to a nurse on the telephone if one is not seeing a patient at the time of your call. If they are busy the receptionist will take a telephone number and pass your details to the nurse who will call you back when she is free. Please remember the nurse may finish work and not have time to return your call.

Asthma Review

For patients who are due an annual asthma review. Please would you answer the questions on the form and submit it to us. If your symptoms are deteriorating or you have any concerns, please make an appointment to the respiratory nurse or a doctor as well.

Supportive Counselling

These clinics are run on various days of the week.


Consult your doctor who may refer you to Balsall Heath Health Centre.

Contraception Services

If you need emergency ‘morning after’ contraception you will be dealt with urgently. All doctors are qualified to provide family planning services of a routine nature. Some of the doctors will fit the coil (IUCD) among these services. Please remember that the nurses can do the health check for routine pill prescription reviews. Advice on contraception including coil fitting and provision of free condoms.

Cervical Smear

Almost all women from the age of 25 to 49 should have a smear every three years and from the age of 50 to 65 every five years, the practice nurses and sometimes the doctors provide this quick and simple test. For more information go here

Child Health Surveillance

The doctors and our health visitors provide this service for children less than five years old. We would encourage you to bring your child’s red book when they attend appointments with us.


If you are concerned about your alcohol consumption, please complete our questionnaire and send it to the surgery, so that the team here can review it and advise you.

Pre-screening for Cancer

In addition to cervical smears above, there is also pre-screening for breast cancer and bowel cancer. For more information click the links.

Latent Tuberculosis Infection (LTB)

The Wand Medical Centre has been part of the LTB scheme since April 2016. The aim of the scheme is to reduce Latent Tuberculosis and to treat anyone with a positive result.  To date, across Birmingham and Sandwell, (figures provided by the CCG) 159 people have tested positive for LTB. This clearly shows not just a need for the scheme but also the importance of the testing. It also ensures that anyone with a positive result will receive the necessary treatment and also that their family and friends are also tested. All new patients that register with the surgery are offered a simple blood test (providing that they meet the criteria). The test is completely optional and is not mandatory. If you would like to take the test, please complete the Screening Questionnaire and contact the Surgery. You can read a patient information leaflet here.

National Diabetes Audit

The Wand is taking part in an important national project about diabetes care and treatment in the NHS. You can find out more here.